Free Desktop OM Software

In many countries across the globe, the OM sign is considered to be sacred. The Desktop OM is a Free Utility which displays an OM sign in a small window. Right Click on the OM Window brings up a popup menu to visit the publisher website and to exit the software. A Small title bar of the Desktop OM Window can be used to drag the OM Sign to any location onto the Desktop. Have a look at the given below screenshot to know how this Desktop OM Software Utility looks like on a Windows 7 Computer.

Free Windows Utility to Display an OM Sign on your Desktop

Free Windows Utility to Display an OM Sign on your Desktop

Download this Free Desktop Utility and let the OM Sign be on your Desktop on the top of all Application Windows. Yes this free utility works on Windows 8, Windows 7 and even on older Microsoft Windows Operating Systems such as Windows XP, etc. The Application created OM Sign Window remains at the top of other windows to let you see the OM Sign irrespective of the application window on which you are working. Feel free to share this free Windows Utility with your friends.